Marketing Research Expert Certification (SCMR-E)
SMstudy® Certified Marketing Research Experts (professional credentials: SCMR-E) are experienced in facilitating appropriate assessment tools to measure factors that help drive better corporate decision making and in turn more decisive marketing actions. SMstudy® Certified Marketing Research Experts execute processes associated with planning and conducting a marketing research project. Processes include understanding the research problem; selecting a suitable research design; collecting, processing analyzing and interpreting data; and presenting the results to the key decision makers.
Successful candidates will be awarded the SMstudy® Marketing Strategy Expert (professional credentials: SCMR-E) certification by SMstudy after passing the exam.
Exam Format
Multiple choice
180 questions
No negative marks for incorrect answers
240-minute duration
Proctored online exam
What You'll Also Get
- High-quality online videos
- Classroom study materials
- Mobile Apps
- Engaging case studies
- Full-length simulated exam
- Chapter tests
- Study guides and podcasts
- SMstudy Certified Marketing Research Expert certification by SMstudy
Audience Profile
This certification is appropriate for Sales and Marketing Professionals and Specialists interested in becoming a Marketing Research Expert.
Candidates should have a minimum of 5 years work experience.
It is preferable to complete the SMstudy® Certified Marketing Research Specialist certification and study all processes in the SMstudy® Guide – Marketing Research book before applying for the SMstudy® Certified Marketing Research Expert certification.
It is also mandatory to earn 40 educational hours by attending Marketing Research Expert classroom training provided by a SMstudy approved VMedu Authorized Training Partner (V.A.T.P.) and provide a professional recommendation.