The bespoke program offered by OnlyVenture will focus on assessing one’s entrepreneurial potential (EP), using our Se7en-P Life & Career Compass™ framework.
The Se7en-P Life & Career Compass™ will allow you to gain a deep understanding of yourself and whether entrepreneurship is your true calling. Through the program, participants will discover and learn if each of their unique ‘P’ pieces up to form their entrepreneurial career compass.

Program Details
Being an entrepreneur offers you a uniquely challenging path. In the workshop participants can expect to discover their personal insights into one’s makeup of Entrepreneurship mettle.
The workshop participants will gain a first-hand appreciation of the holistic power of the Se7en-P in charting one’s life and career in entrepreneurship.
This Workshop Includes:
1. Introduction to the Se7en-P Life & Career Framework™
2. Knowing Your Personality - The Four Temperaments Concept with Practical Worksheets
3. Entrepreneur Wanna-Be Profiling Test via Online Test
or Practical Worksheets
4. Life, Education and Entrepreneurship Career Choices via Open Forum
Workshop Duration:
Dependent whether the workshop is conducted on a one-to-one basis or in a group setting.
Schedule of Workshop:
Personalized upon your schedule availability, although most workshops take place on weekdays.
Physical workshop, Online or Blended (Physical and Online)
This workshop is suitable for:
Anyone keen to discover his or her entrepreneurship mettle.
Participants must be proficient in English as this workshop will be delivered in English.
E-Certificate will be awarded to workshop participants after successful completion of assigned workshop tasks for participants’ credentials.
Course Fee per pax:
To be advised
Please contact us via forms to discuss this further.